#Sleeping Beauty
Das ist der Start einer Geschichte ueber Pflanzen und Menschen.
[[Hoeren->Audio1]]# Video Spring
<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="https://sleepingbeauty.steffenreichelt.de/spring.webm" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
</video># Dust
<img src="/assets/sleeping.jpeg" >
<img src="/assets/dorn1.jpg">## Sleeping beauty loves
Neatly curled up round their nectar
And folded, like skin on warm milk
When turned around with a spoon.
They've watched over her sleep
shadow-like veins on her eyelids
They flutter:
A breeze on a lagoon
Their thorns scrape her skin and she wakes
Still dreamy and drowsed with their scent
She's tempted, her tongue finds their nectar
Their buds burst
Together they curl up
in sweet scents and sweat
Wet without water
The heat of the moment
Made room for a cooler current
And there they lie
Exhausted, sprawled out
They were left
*to dry die sigh cry
*with a promising sigh, lullaby, kiss goodbye
Just Ducks# Audio
<audio controls autoplay>
<source src="https://sleepingbeauty.steffenreichelt.de/voices.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
</audio>## Sleeping beauty loves[[... ->About]]
Neatly curled up round their nectar
And folded, like skin on warm milk
When slowly stirred with a spoon.
They've watched over her sleep
shadow-like veins on her eyelids
<span class="pointer" onclick="play()">They flutter:
A breeze on a lagoon.
Their thorns scrape her skin and she wakes
Still dreamy and drowsed with their scent
She's tempted, her tongue finds their nectar..
Their buds burst
Together they curl up
in sweet scents and sweat
Wet without water.
The heat of the moment
Made room for a cooler current
And there they lie
Exhausted, sprawled out
They were left
[[with a sigh... ->vase2]]
[[to cry...->pols]]
<audio id="flutter" style="display:none;" controls>
<source src="/assets/snd1/flutter_snd.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
function play(){
let audio=document.getElementById("flutter");
</script><img src="/assets/dorn1.jpg">
[[and spin ->video1]]<img src="/assets/sleeping.jpeg" >
She could cach a breath
there were pols around
her sleeping nest
[[she started spinning ->video1]]
[[she lived each day ->dayflipvideo]]<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="/assets/d_liebt_2.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
in circles
we come clother
[[you see me ->you see me]]<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="/assets/dorn_an_flip.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Day after Day
forward, backwards,
what is time
who needs to know
[[you see me ->you see me]]<img src="/assets/d7.jpg" >
[[you see blue ->windblue]]
[[see me true ->spinvideo2]]
<audio style="display:none;" controls autoplay>
<source src="/assets/snd1/youseeme_snd.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
</audio><video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="/assets/d_liebt_4.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
[[forget ->forget]]<img src="/assets/windblue.svg" >
just go
fade away
[[forget ->forget]]<img src="/assets/d3.svg" >
I started to forget
what I have been, who I met
the strongest, the best
just a blured image
of the past
out of fresh earth
now grews new
twisting, sliding, turning
listening, blooming, churning
[[Look at me ->redhand]]
[[I became who I always be ->ibecame]]<a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/CFiGNyppRKN/?utm_medium=share_sheet" target="_blank" ><img src="/assets/roseva.jpg" ></a>
[[The Days grow by -> Julia2 Prinz]]<video width="100%" controls autoplay>
<source src="/assets/snd1/videohand_music.mp4" type="video/mp4">
losing language
flora, flora
fading, flower
feeling, fleeting
[[flora, flora ->ibecame]]Im Glassarg, zu sehen für Alle
So will ich bleiben, denn: ich bin eine Schönheit.
Was soll schon geschehen, wenn die Jahre vergehen
in mühsamer Ehe als Königin?
Lieber bleibe ich Mädchen
Lieber verschlucke ich den giftigen Apfel,
als alt zu werden.
100 Jahr Schlaf sind ein kleiner Preis
für ewiges Gefallen.
Gefalle ich euch?Ich bin die Neue
Vaters zweiter Versuch.
Die erste starb vielleicht..
Ich bringe mit: meinen eigenen Kopf
und Argwohn und
Fremde Kinder will ich nicht im Haus haben.
Nach den Gründen frage ich auch selbst nicht.
Ich bin was ich bin.
Und ich werde bestraft werden.
Kinder wollen mich hassen und
ich lasse mich hassen,
denn neben meinem fortgeschrittenen Alter,
bin ich auch noch hässlich, eine Furie.
Ich bin die Neue
Ich schicke euch in den Wald, ihr werdet schon sehen, wo ihr bleibt
und was aus mir wird...Ich bin der Wecker.
Der Bezwinger. Ich bringe das Ende,
den rettenden Kuss.
Mit mir kommt das „Und wenn sie nicht..“
Ich komme aus gutem Hause
und bin leidlich anzusehen.
Das genügt mir völlig.
Ich bin geboren, um zu küssen
und über Dornen zu klettern.
Meine Hand zerbricht magische Wände.
Ich bin da, um zu erlösen
und finde meine Erlösung darin.
[[Wo soll ich hin? -> prinzway]]
[[Was gilt es zu tun? -> prinzgießt]]The prince knew
the only thing
he was able to
water his rose
it grews
he rides every day
to the tower
he gots older
build a
town around her
became a king
his rose
[[the sleeping beauty...->About]]
lies within
<audio style="display:none;" controls autoplay>
<source src="/assets/snd2/e_moll_prinz2.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
</audio>behind the forest
the prince finds the tower
sourrounded by
ranks and plants
a bed
a dirty dress
a mess
[[I understand-> prinzgießt]]
[[I stay-> tworoses]]And They Lived Happily Ever After
<img src="/assets/tworoses.jpg" >
[[The End...->About]]A co-authored Twine by
<a href="https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/G868LW8PTi6znfQE7" target="_blank">Elisabeth Kaiser</a>
Annika K. Möller
<a href="https://steffenreichelt.de/" target="_blank">Steffen Reichelt</a>
Julia Stanoeva
[[Once Upon a Time...->Sleeping Start]]